Javascript AJAX Tutorials

Javascript AJAX Tutorials

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages used today. It has many uses, and in this article we will be exploring how it can be used to create AJAX interactions on web pages.

Introduction to Javascript

Javascript is a versatile scripting language that enables you to create interactive web applications. In this blog section, we will introduce you to the basics of Javascript and how to use it to create AJAX-powered web applications.

Creating a Simple Form with AJAX

If you’re new to AJAX, or simply haven’t had much experience working with it, then this tutorial is perfect for you. In this article, we’ll be creating a simple form that will allow users to submit their names and email address.

We’ll be using the jQuery library to handle all of the AJAX requests, so if you’re not familiar with that, be sure to check out our other tutorials on jQuery.

Once we have our form set up, we’ll use AJAX to submit the form data to a PHP script which will then save the data to a database. We’ll also be using the JSON format to return the data back to our form so that it can be displayed to the user.

So let’s get started!

Step 1: The HTML

Let’s start out by setting up our HTML. We’ll be using a basic form set-up that you’d find on most websites. You can see the code for this below:

Step 2: The CSS

We’re going to want our form to be positioned in the middle of the page, so we’ll just use some CSS to do that. Here’s the full CSS code to style our form:

Step 3: Handling AJAX Requests with jQuery and PHP

In order for us to handle requests from our form, we need to use AJAX. In other tutorials we’ve shown how you can use AJAX with jQuery, but if you’re not familiar with how AJAX works, you can read more about it here. When using AJAX with jQuery, we need to use the ajax() method and pass it our request type (get or post) and the URL of where to send our request.

Step 4: PHP

The next thing we need to do is actually handle the requests that are sent from our form. We’re going to be sending requests to a PHP file, so whenever we receive a response back from that file, all we’ll want to do is update some elements on our page with new content. In order for us to do this, we need to write some code that will run when the document has finished loading. This will happen whenever the document’s ready event has fired.

Step 5: Getting the data

We then need to write a function called handleRequest() that will send our request to our PHP file and receive whatever data it sends back, we’ll then display that data on our page. That is what we are going to do in this step.

Handling Events with JavaScript

One of the most important aspects of JavaScript is handling events. Events are actions that take place on HTML elements, such as when a user clicks a button. When an event occurs, you can run some JavaScript code to execute certain functions.

Dealing with Errors

When it comes to AJAX, dealing with errors can be a bit tricky. This is because, by definition, AJAX is asynchronous, which means that you can’t rely on the traditional ‘try/catch’ method of error handling.

Instead, you need to use a callback function to handle any errors that occur. This callback function will be called if there is an error in the AJAX request.

The first thing you need to do is set up an error handler:



error: function(xhr, status, error) {

// handle errors here



This error handler will receive three arguments: the XMLHttpRequest object (which contains information about the error), the status code (which gives more information about the nature of the error), and the actual error message.

With this information, you can then decide how to handle the error. For example, you could display an error message to the user or try to re-send the AJAX request.


AJAX is a powerful tool for making dynamic, responsive web applications. With AJAX, you can request data from a server without having to reload the entire page. This makes your web app more responsive and fast. In this tutorial, we’ve covered the basics of AJAX and how you can use it to make your web app more dynamic.

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